Scientists have discovered a worm that can digest plastic by eating it


Scientists have discovered a worm that can digest plastic by eating it. This is a very big news. The Wax Moth (G mellonella) is a moth that infects beehives and lays its eggs there, the larvae of which begin to eat the inside of the hive. A farmer put some in a plastic shopper and separated it and when he saw it after a while, there were several holes in the plastic and it looked like the plastic had been eaten rather than cut. Actually, there is a bacteria in the stomach of this larva (Cindy) which digests polythelene. Polyethylene is a basic ingredient in making plastics. Around 100 million tons of plastic are produced in the world every year, most of which ends up in the ocean. Polyethylene is used to make plastic shoppers, packaging plastic and plastic water bottles. Polyethylene makes up 34% of the world's total plastics.

Plastics are not found naturally but are made in factories. And breaking it down is very difficult and expensive, so it is often said to recycle plastic to reduce pollution. The discovery of this insect is a very positive and bright step in this sea of ​​pollution...

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