Sarcopenia. Ultimate aging.

 What is Sarcopenia?

Sarcopenia: Aging is the name given to the weakness of the muscles that surround the human frame. And this is a very scary situation. Let's try to learn about "Sarcopenia" by reading "Use Your Body's Functional Muscles Slowly".

1: The habit of standing within yourself, don't sit still. And if you have the guts to just sit down, don't lie down.

2: Remember that losing weight after the age of 50 to 60 is impossible. And in these situations, especially when your stubbornness to lose weight is not based on exercise at all, and you believe that eating less will make you lose weight: remember that any of your If the muscle is damaged by movement, it will be irreversible and very bad damage.

3: Do you get knee pain from running, cycling or climbing?

If you've never exercised before and now you think doing something like running, cycling or climbing will hurt your knees:

According to the strength or deterioration of your muscles, try to strengthen your muscles by adopting the habit of jogging, cycling or climbing. At this age it will be a great effort and your knees won't hurt etc. Remember whether or not you have knee pain depends on the condition and strength of your muscles.

4: If an elderly loved one or acquaintance of yours has been admitted to the hospital, prevent him or her from resting too much, lying down or sleeping too much.

Lying down for a week can cause up to 5% muscle damage. And elders can never undo the damage done.

If you think that you have forbidden the elders of the house by seeing them do something, then you have become too subservient, or if you have scolded the maid and forced her to take on the responsibility of the elders, then you The elderly have become very conscious! Experience has shown that an elderly person who is cared for by employees loses muscle and mass very quickly.

6: Do not always do the same type of exercise every time you go to the park.

Don't limit yourself to just shaking your hands if you can afford to shake your legs. For a balanced health you should also do some horizontal exercise and some movement of other exercise equipment.

Because as much as a person moves, all the muscles of his body are also activated.

Many elderly people have also been found to have difficulty swallowing things. And the reason for this was nothing else than their lack of different types of exercise. Such people were seen who were unable to even cough and died because they could not expectorate the phlegm after coughing.

7: Sarcopenia is more dangerous than "osteoporosis-weakened bones and prone to breaking easily."


With osteoporosis, you just have to be careful not to fall. While suffering from sarcopenia, you not only lose the color of life but also suffer from blood sugar due to poor and negligible amount or performance of muscles.

8: In sarcopenia, leg muscles are lost first. Because when a person is confined to sitting or sleeping, the lack of movement of his legs affects the grip and stiffness of the leg muscles, and in fact this is the most important defect.

Don't make your diamonds fragile. Have them squat 20 to 30 times a day. This touching does not mean putting the feet on the ground. Rather, it refers to touching like sitting on the feet of a toilet on the ground. You can do this exercise sitting on your chair, get up from the chair and sit again in such a way that as soon as your hips touch the chair, stand up again.

Did you know that Taiwan has provided the best health services to its people with insurance, yet an average Taiwanese spends at least 8 years in a wheelchair before dying of old age and after that In the stage of the Sahib falls asleep and embraces death.

Do you compare the health benefits offered by your government and find out whether you are insured or guaranteed to spend 8 years in a wheelchair in your old age? While you know very well that your health standards and guarantees are unspeakably poor. The only solution is to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of sarcopenia.

Take the stairs, run, run, cycle, climb, and do any exercise that keeps your muscles from gradually weakening or dying.

Everyone who wants to spend their old age with good and quality health:

Keep moving, keep your muscles from wasting away.

Aging starts at the feet and works its way up.

Always keep your legs moving, always keep them strong.

As our age is increasing day by day and we are getting older and older on a daily basis, we must keep our feet strong, active and energetic at all times.

As we grow older and get older, we should never worry about why our hair is turning gray or why our skin is sagging or why our face is getting wrinkles.


Among the signs of "longevity", the famous American magazine "Prevention" about how to live a long and fit life summarized that strong leg muscles are the most important and necessary. Please continue on a daily basis

If you don't move your legs at all for just two weeks, your leg strength will lose the equivalent of ten years. All you have to do is walk.

Research from a university in Copenhagen, Denmark, has shown that if people, both old and young, do not move their legs for two weeks, their performance decreases by a third, which is cognitively 20 From is equal to 30 years old age. All you have to do is walk.

When the leg muscles are weak, it will take time for them to heal or improve, no matter how many treatments or exercises are done to rehabilitate and restore them. Just keep going. Exercise is just walking, walking is very important, walking is very important.

The weight and burden of the entire body is placed on the legs and the legs are dependent on them. Feet are also pillars, after all they also carry the whole load. All you have to do is walk on a daily basis.

For your interest: 50% of a person's muscles or bones are in both legs. You have to keep those strings moving.

The largest joints and strongest bones in the human body are also in the legs. Make it a habit to walk 10,000 steps a day.

The strongest bones, longest muscles, and flexible joints of the iron triangle are the most important weight-bearing roles.

70% of the human body's activities and heat burning work requires both legs of the human body.

do you know? A young boy or girl's thighs are big enough to lift a small car weighing up to 800 kg.

Feet are the center of movement of the human body.

Both the human legs contain 50% of the nerves, 50% of the blood vessels and 50% of the blood flow of the human body.

And it is the largest circulatory network of blood supply that connects the body. You just keep going on a daily basis.

Blood flows easily when the feet are healthy, so people with strong leg muscles must have a strong heart - you just keep walking. Hear again that old age runs from the feet upwards.

As a person gets older, the speed and accuracy of the transmission of instructions between the brain and the legs decreases, in stark contrast to when a person is young.

In addition, the so-called "bone-fertilizer calcium" will sooner or later be depleted over time, making the elderly more vulnerable to bone fractures. Keep going.

Bone fractures in the elderly can easily trigger a series of complications, especially fatal diseases such as cerebral thrombosis.

Did you know that more than 15% of elderly people die within a year of a hip fracture? Take a walk on a daily basis-

Even after the age of 60, do not delay at all in terms of leg exercises.

Although our feet/legs will also age slowly over time, exercising and continuing to exercise our feet/legs is a lifelong task. Make it a routine to walk 10,000 steps a day.

By simply strengthening the legs regularly, one can prevent or slow down further aging. Make walking compulsory 365 days a year-

Please walk for at least 30-40 minutes every day to ensure that your legs are getting enough exercise and to keep your leg muscles healthy.

Aging is inevitable as everyone is getting older on a daily basis - but for a good and healthy aging it is important to know these important information in all your life.

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