Always Taking medicine for Headache could be Dangerous for Health. Natural remedies for Headache

Taking headache medicines is harmful

Headache is not a permanent disease. In most cases, headache indicates an internal disorder from which the doctor can identify the actual disease. If the body is considered a military camp, then headache is like its guard. A headache is a warning of an impending dangerous disease and an expert doctor gets busy in treating the real pain to protect the health. There is another part of the body

Causes of headache

1. Tension in the muscles of the face and forehead due to thinking causes headache.

2. Weakness of eyes, diseases of eyes, ear, nose, throat and teeth causes headache

3. Migraine (pain in one half of the head) due to excessive emotionality, mental and physical fatigue, anger, anxiety due to excessive tiredness of the eyes, food disturbances, indigestion.

4. Blood pooling in the arteries of the brain causes headache

5. Some pains are temporary which are caused by lack of sleep or staying in a place where there is no fresh air.

6. Sometimes eating a certain type of food triggers a certain type of pain

7. Headaches start due to digestive disorders.

Mistreatment of headache and its damage

Generally, it is seen that here and there a headache occurs and some medicine is used there, just the pain is relieved and the meaning is achieved. Influenced by this custom, the medicine sellers have prepared twenty medicines to straighten their aloha. From whom the pain goes away in five to seven minutes. A common person is innocent in this matter. Everyone wants immediate relief from pain and they do not know that these temporary medicines are just a game show. Only for a short time. Peace of mind and lifetime worries.

Nowadays, most of the doctors take money from the pharmaceutical companies just for prescribing the company's medicine to their patients. So they also prescribe many medicines for the treatment of gynecological diseases. This is the wrong approach

It is the first duty of doctors to make their patients aware of the nature of pain. If doctors explain to their patients that headache is not an ordinary thing, then it will go away with a spell. This is a precursor of a major disease to come. There is no benefit to suppressing it temporarily by just taking the above drugs, but on the contrary, these drugs cause damage to the heart and other organs.

In general, people apply different types of balms and creams for headache, the application of which gives only temporary relief and the smell starts to numb the mind and it is understood that the pain is over. Such creams and balms affect brain cells

The use of any medicine in headache gives benefits for a few days, but after that the effect of this medicine starts to disappear gradually, so it is important to find the hidden trigger or cause behind any pain, especially headache. Solving it is the most important task

Disprine and paracetamol is a commonly used medication for headaches, and many headache medications can irritate the stomach and cause severe indigestion. Continuous use can weaken the heart. does

Headache medicines cause swelling of the stomach, frequent use of these medicines can also affect vision and intelligence.

A person should not be under any misunderstanding about pain. Pain is not a pleasant state, but the beginning of any pain is the flag that nature shows for the purpose of making a person know that his physical condition is not right and the body There has been something wrong and disturbed inside.

Taking the headache medicine immediately makes the patient feel that it was just a minor complaint and nothing significant, thus giving the disease an opportunity to do its work incognito and take hold. Make it so strong that even a doctor can't help.

Home Remedies for Headaches

1. Cold, overwork, mental thoughts, wake up at night and should avoid fatty foods.

2. Sleeping gives relief in all kinds of headaches. Therefore, you should try to relax in a quiet corner by applying your favorite fragrance or perfume.

3.Massaging ghee on soles of feet while sleeping at night cures sudden headache.

4. People who suffer from chronic headaches should chew fennel at any time of the day

5. If you have a headache due to cold, keeping both feet in warm water gives relief

6. Applying a wet clay bandage relieves headache

7. Whether it is a half-headache or a full-headache, grind the sandalwood in water and heat it and apply it and smell the pain will be cured.

8. Drinking lemon juice in tea is beneficial for headaches

9. If the headache is due to heat, put the pulp of watermelon in a muslin cloth and squeeze it and store it in a glass and mix it with Misri and drink it in the morning.

10. - Migraine pain increases and decreases with the sun, so eat Jalebi or Rabrri with warm milk before sunrise.

11. Chewing black pepper also reduces headache

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