What is Dialysis Machine and how it Works

Kidney cleaning machine

 Although a kidney dialysis machine cannot replace a person's kidney, it definitely provides a means of survival for the patient until the kidney transplant.

When a kidney fails, two types of treatment are available. Most people have hemodialysis. The doctor begins by accessing the patient's blood vessels. This can be done through minor surgery in the leg or arm, or sometimes in the neck.

Two needles are inserted into the incision in the skin. One for the vein and the other for the artery. Then the blood enters the dialysis machine to be cleaned. The machine has two parts. So. There is a fine membrane or filter between these two parts. When the blood passes through one side of this membrane and the dialyzer passes through the other side, the waste particles are removed from the blood and the dialyzer washes them. Cells that do not pass through the filter are returned to the blood. Remember that the holes in the filter are microscopic and not visible to the naked eye.

Another less common method is   peritoneal dialysis, in which the patient's own peritoneal membrane is used as a filter. Waste particles pass through the pores, but not large blood cells.

First, a plastic tube is surgically inserted into the abdomen. Then, about half a kilogram of dialysate fluid is passed through this tube into the abdomen. When the patient's blood meets the dialyzer, its particles pass through the membrane into the dialyzer. After three or four hours, the dialyser is removed and replaced with fresh fluid. This process takes half an hour and is repeated four to five times daily.

The advantages of hemodialysis are that the patient does not need any special training. and in dialysis. A specialist does this regularly. In case of peritoneal dialysis, the patient does not have to spend many hours in the clinic (three times a week). The biggest risk is infection of the peritoneal membrane.

Although dialysis is not a cure for kidney disease and the technology of the dialysis machine remains almost the same, several improvements have been made for the convenience of the dialysis patient.

If a person is suffering from severe and fatal kidney disease

 Transplant is the only long-term solution that frees the patient from dialysis. However, even after a kidney transplant from a loved one, the patient has to take medication continuously. So that the body's immune system does not reject the newly transplanted organ. Currently, the number of hopeful kidney patients is three times the number of available kidneys. Therefore, dialysis is a life-saving procedure for many people. However, some patients prefer dialysis over transplant.

The statistics on dialysis and the benefits of modern dialysis machines are undisputed. In the United States, the survival rate of dialysis patients after just one year was 77%, 28% after five years, and 10% after 10 years. Survival rates after transplantation are even better. Seventy-seven patients who received a kidney transplant from a living relative survived 10 years. Psychiatrists believe it is possible to improve this rate. Today's machines are expected to improve further.

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