Foods tremendously affect on body weigh.

 How to lose weight

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Foods can have a huge impact on your body weight - some foods like yogurt, coconut oil or eggs can help you lose weight - but there are also some foods that can cause weight gain. - When your goal is to lose weight, consuming these foods in ignorance can make you gain more weight - so if you want to lose weight, you One should know what foods to avoid while achieving this goal

French Fries and Potato Chips

Of course potatoes are a healthy food, but french fries and potato chips are not healthy at all - both of these items are high in calories - if you really want to lose weight, make these items a part of your diet. Avoid - However, eating boiled potatoes can be beneficial for your health -

Cold Drinks

Cold drinks and soda are one of the unhealthiest foods in the world - they have negative effects on your weight and health - these drinks are also high in calories - that's why drinking these drinks A person begins to gain weight - If your goal is to lose weight, then stop using these drinks -

White Bread

Double bread is made from white flour and contains high amounts of added sugar - according to a study, people who eat only 2 slices of double bread per day have a 40% higher risk of weight gain - Double Eating bread can cause your blood sugar levels to rise - but you can definitely use other types of bread -

Fruit Juices

Most of the fruit juices available in the market have very little added fruit and a large amount of sugar is added during their preparation - in addition to being high in calories - so it is Juices can sabotage your weight loss goals - you should use whole fruit instead of juice -

Pastries, Cookies and Cakes

Cakes and pastries found at bakeries contain a variety of unhealthy ingredients, while they are often made with white flour and are loaded with added sugar—except for pastries. Artificial trans fats are also added to cookies and cakes—after all these ingredients, these foods are high in calories—

Ice cream

Ice cream is an unhealthy food with a delicious taste - Ice cream is high in calories and sugar - Eating a small amount of ice cream is not harmful, but consuming too much of it can definitely make you gain weight instead of losing it. However, if you are fond of ice cream, prepare it at home instead of buying it from the market.


Of course, pizza is one of the most popular foods, but commercially prepared pizza is an unhealthy food - pizza contains a lot of unhealthy ingredients, including calories - if you want to eat pizza, make it at home. But prepare it with the help of healthy ingredients-

High-Calorie Coffee Drinks

So some of the ingredients in coffee improve your digestive system and burn excess body fat in less time - but other unhealthy ingredients in coffee overwhelm all these benefits - added to coffee. Added artificial cream and sugar can set you back from your weight loss goals—

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