What is wisdom tooth, Why is wisdom molar called 'wisdom molar'?

 Why is wisdom molar called 'wisdom molar'?

In your childhood, you must have heard from your elders that 'wisdom molars' grow big and when it comes out, there is a lot of pain.

Even at that time, the same question used to arise in our mind that does wisdom really come after wisdom teeth? And does wisdom really have anything to do with intellect or not?

Third molars have been commonly known as 'wisdom molars' since the 17th century and are still referred to as wisdom molars in the 21st century.

Wisdom teeth are usually the last of all our teeth to come out, usually between the ages of 17 and 25.

This molar is called 'wisdom molar' because it erupts when a person becomes an adult and at this age he is more intelligent than before, that is why the third molar is usually called by people. Wisdom is called molar

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