What is waterlogged or water wrinkles.


WaterLogged: Wrinkles on fingers while bathing.

Often when we bathe or stay in water for a long time. Our body, especially the straight parts of our hands and feet, get soft wrinkles or the flesh gets lumpy. It is called Waterlogged or Aquatic Wrinkles in English. Why does this happen?

Actually our skin is made by the Creator in three layers. Look at the picture.

1. The inner layer (inner layer) which contains fat and from which the small blood vessels and the wires of the nervous system (the body's feeling system) go to the second skin.

2. The middle layer (mid layer, Dermis) which contains hair roots, blood vessels, nervous system wires, sweat glands, oil glands (skin oil called Sebum oil).

3. Outer layer (, outer layer, Epidermis) It is a thin layer of dry dead cells from which hair, nails come out and they have small invisible holes from which other skin sweat glands and oil glands sweat. And oils, as needed, are extracted to protect the skin.

Our skin cells are dead. And the reason it is dead is the protein Keratin in it. This is the same Keratin that is present in our nails and hair, from which birds' beaks, feet's hooves, skin hairs etc. are made. Keratine cells are less scratchy or flaky, so they provide a protective layer to the body.

Within this outer skin of ours, the Creator has fitted such a great program that these dead cells keep forming and falling off which we do not see. Newly formed skin cells are at the bottom and constantly push the old cells up. This is the reason why cells are falling from our body while walking and sitting up and falling where we are. During the investigation of a crime, using modern technology, DNA matching with the cells of the criminals is done to find them.

Well Sebum oil from our middle skin on this skin keeps the skin oily. To provide a protective waterproof layer against sun and water. That is why while washing hands, the water on our hands does not penetrate into the skin but slips down. However, bathing for a long time causes this oil on our skin to become extremely dry and less, and as a result, water begins to penetrate into this dead skin. Due to excessive water infiltration, these cells become thicker and move back and forth and spread over the body. Since the inner skin of the hands and feet is more dead, it is prone to rashes more than the rest of the body. And if a person's whole body remains in water, especially a dead body, then these cracks will be seen on his whole body. This is a good time to cut hard nails.

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