Down Syndrome Down Syndrome: Not Stupid, But Different. A genetic defect.


Down Syndrome Down Syndrome: Not Stupid, But Different.

               A genetic defect.

Down syndrome is also known as trisomy Trisomy 21. It is a serious genetic defect and such a child has three times the number of 21st chromosomes. Mental and physical disabilities are found in children with varying degrees of severity.

Life is a great gift of nature, but there is no greater blessing than living in perfect health. As medical science is progressing, mental and physical diseases and defects are also being discovered, the victims of which are considered a burden on the society. Children with mental and physical disabilities are often not taken out of their homes or considered a source of humiliation in most societies. However, such people are not stupid, but simply different.

Children born with trisomy 21 or Down syndrome suffer from mental and physical disabilities. There are around 50,000 people in Germany, for whose well-being Kai Flaume, a well-known commentator of a German television channel, has started a project titled 'Show Me Your World'. Flaume has produced a four-part serial, which will be aired on television soon. He wants to show the daily life of several people with Down syndrome in the form of a film so that common people know that these disabled people are definitely disabled due to medical and genetic reasons, but they should not be considered stupid or foolish. . He says that despite the disability, nature has given other abilities in these people, thanks to which the patients suffering from Down syndrome can also live a respectable life in the society. There is a regular association in Germany, which is doing exemplary work to help and make the lives of such people meaningful.

The visible sign of this is that the neck of the child is much thicker and the head is bigger than normal children. Children with this syndrome also have bulging eyes and a round face.

Trisomy 21 is detected in the baby in the mother's womb. The ultrasound report tells whether the baby is normal or suffering from Down syndrome in the sixteenth week of pregnancy. In many cases, these babies die prematurely or soon after birth. On the other hand, a strange charm of nature is that people born with this syndrome live a long life but with severe disabilities.

Generally, these people are very cheerful. They have a world of their own, in which they are engrossed. Most of them have a stutter in their language. Such children have a limited attention span which is both their weakness and their strength.

They do not have different interests like normal children but focus their attention on very few things and this is the reason why children with Down syndrome start reading and writing at the age of two or three years. Training such children in school is difficult because the teachers do not know how to bring out the hidden abilities of these children.

Due to the lack of awareness about Down syndrome in Pakistan, these children are considered mentally retarded and sometimes it is seen that such children are considered crazy and confined to a corner of the house or sent to a mental institution. Because people think that there is no need to educate and train such children, who do not have the ability to think and understand, but this idea is fundamentally wrong.

Isolating children with Down syndrome from society is grossly unfair and they should never be considered idiots. However, the sad thing is that in today's society, intelligence is considered everything and people with Down syndrome are ignored simply because they look different from normal people. Schools have also been established for some time, where special children study together with normal children. This not only helps in the development of disabled children, but also normal children can get proper treatment and better behavior training towards the disabled.

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